Sunday, September 6, 2009

Where in the world is......

Now that I am home for a while, I have decided to do some exploring. So let's play a little game. I'll take pictures from my rides and post them. You tell me where they are. I will give hints. Maybe I will give out prizes or something if somebody can identify a few days worh of pictures. Stay tuned!

Oh the Valley. So nice. And NO cars~!

I love this road!

This building explained why the entire town was shut down yesterday (Saturday) . I stopped in at the gas station to get fluids only to find the doors locked.

Pinarello + Napa county = :-)


  1. Angwin (Angwish).

    You still doing WNWCWC's?

  2. Angwin...the deadest place on a weekend. My sister went to college there.
